Westmoreland Middle School


Dear WMS Stakeholders,

Here's some info YOU need to know: 

School Messenger 2/12/2025

Hello WMS,

I have 4 items to share with you:

#1--Mrs. Cristy Wyatt, 8th grade ELA teacher, has been named the Educator of the Week.  She will be spotlighted on TV as follows:

--Thursday, February 13th sometime during News 2 at 10 PM.
--Friday, February 14th sometime between 5:55 AM-7 AM on Good Morning Nashville.

More information about Educator of the Month will be shared soon.

#2—WMS will have a fire drill either Thursday or Friday.  This fire drill is just a drill.

#3—WMS will have a Super Renaissance on Thursday.  The purpose for our Renaissance Rallies is to recognize students who have reached specific goals in their academic, discipline, and attendance.  This is a reward opportunity.

#4--WMS will have Valentines Day on Friday 02/14/24.

Singing “Valentunes” will be delivered on this day through the WMS Choir.  Students and parents may purchase Singing “Valentunes” each day for $3 per selection.  Each Singing “Valentune” comes with a delicious sucker.  (Suckers may also be purchased individually for $1 each.)  The last day to purchase a Singing Valentune is Thursday.

On our Valentines Day parents may send Valentine Day gifts to school.  Gifts may include flowers, balloons, stuffed animals, candy, etc.  Deliveries will be accepted after our last lunch shift beginning at 12:30 PM. 

Parents:  Since there are restrictions as to what can be transported on buses, please be sure that what you have delivered can either be transported home on the bus or that you are going to pick up your child.

Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


Educator of the Week News


Mrs. Cristy Wyatt, 8th grade ELA, has been named the Educator of the Week.  She will be spotlighted on TV as follows:

Thursday, February 13th sometime during News 2 at 10 PM.

Friday, February 14th sometime between 5:55 AM-7 AM on Good Morning Nashville.


More information about Educator of the Month will be shared soon.



Thank You!

Danny Kay Robinson, Principal



ValentinesDay Information (for 02/14/25) …

WMS will haveValentinesDay on Friday 02/14/25.

Singing “Valentunes” will be delivered on this day through the WMS Choir.  Students and parents may purchase Singing “Valentunes” each day for $3 per selection.  Each Singing “Valentune” comes with a delicious sucker.  (Suckers may also be purchased individually for $1 each.)

On ourValentinesDay parents may send Valentine Day gifts to school.  Gifts may include flowers, balloons, stuffed animals, candy, etc.  Deliveries will be accepted after our last lunch shift beginning at 12:30 PM. 

Parents: Since there are restrictions as to what can be transported on buses, please be sure that what you have delivered can either be transported home on the bus or that you are going to pick up your child.


School Messenger 2/10/2025

Hello WMS,
The purpose of this communication is to remind everyone that we will have a TCAP Online Practice Writing Assessment on Tuesday morning.  It is a 91 minute online assessment.  Please stress to your child that it is VERY IMPORTANT that we treat this TCAP Online Practice Writing Assessment like it is the real thing.  The expectation is that all students will do their best, that they will work the entire time, that no one is to distract or interrupt anyone else, that the assessment is to be treated just like the actual state assessment, etc.  Even though this is "practice", we have to "practice like we will play" when we are in the "big game" which is the state assessment.
Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


School Messenger 2/7/2025

Hello WMS,

This is a reminder that Progress Reports are available online in Skyward.  Please be sure to check your child's progress report.  If there are any questions, please contact the teacher.

Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


School Messenger 1/10/2025
Hello WMS,

Report cards are available online in Skyward.  Please be sure that you check your child's report card.  If you have questions or concerns, please contact the teacher.  Remember ... we all have to work together ,,, student, parent, and teacher ... to do what is best for the student.

Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


School Messenger 1/7/2025
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As part of our ongoing commitment to student safety, we have installed environmental sensors in restrooms throughout the district. These sensors can detect vaping, unusual noise levels, and tampering. When triggered, school leaders will be alerted in real time, allowing them to respond quickly and appropriately. This initiative is part of our larger effort to combat the negative health effects of vaping and create a safer, more supportive school environment.
Vaping is a serious health concern, especially for young people, and may be driven by addiction, peer pressure, or curiosity. Like cigarettes, vaping products are not legally sold to individuals under the age of 21. Unfortunately, students have reported obtaining these products from a variety of sources, including stores, online, and even from older siblings or parents. If you are aware of any stores selling vaping products to minors, please report it to the appropriate authorities.
This issue is not isolated to any one school, district, or state, and it requires a collaborative effort to address. We are committed to changing the culture in school restrooms and ensuring that they remain safe spaces for all students.
Please be reminded that vaping is strictly prohibited on all Sumner County Schools campuses. Students found possessing or using vaping products on school property will face consequences, as will those who tamper with the environmental sensors. These consequences may include citations, police involvement, suspension, or, in severe cases, expulsion.
We are committed to working with you, our parents and guardians, to help support our students in making healthy, positive choices for themselves and their school community. We encourage you to have a conversation with your child about this important issue. Together, we can work toward a healthier, safer future for all students.
Thank you for your continued support of our schools.
Jerrica Mayo
K-12 Safe Schools Supervisor
Sumner County Schools
695 East Main Street
Gallatin, TN 37066


#1--Cumberland Rim Invitational Basketball Tournament ...
The Cumberland Rim Invitational Tournament games were scheduled for January 6th/9th/11th.
WMS will not have to play until January 11th.
  1. Here is the schedule for Saturday 01/11/25:
  • 10am: RBS or HSprings v Celina (Girls)
  • 11:15am: Trousdale v Westmoreland (Girls)
  • 12:30pm: RBS or HSprings v Trousdale (Boys)
  • 1:45pm: Celina v Westmoreland (Boys)
  • 3pm: Girls Championship
  • 4:30pm: Boys Championship
     All games this day are to be played at
     Clay County High School
     860 Clay County Hwy
     Celina, TN 38551
#2--Sumner County Schools Basketball Tournament ...
Attached is the bracket schedule for the Sumner County Schools Basketball Tournament scheduled to begin Monday 01/13/25.
The schedule for Monday 01/13/25 is ...
  • Portland West Middle School Girls vs. WMS Girls at WMS
  • WMS Boys vs. White House Middle School Boys at White House Middle School
Game times have not been finalized yet.


School Messenger 12/18/2024

Hello WMS,

There are 3 items in this communication:

#1—A severe weather drill is planned for tomorrow.  Just like the fire drill earlier this week, it is just a drill.

#2—Our Super Renaissance Rally to recognize students for their academic, discipline, and attendance is planned for tomorrow.  Students may also wear caps and hats plus their pajamas.  There will be a concession stand open so please make sure your child has money to spend.

#3—Student dismissal time on Friday is 10:40 AM.

Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

School Messenger #2 12/16/2024

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,
Due to moving our basketball games to WHS, there will not be a concession stand open.  Basketball & Cheer Parents:  Please bring food and drinks ... especially drinks ... that basketball players and cheer team members will need to stay hydrated.  
Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

School Messenger 12/16/2024

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

Due to roof leaks in the North Wing Gym, our basketball games for today have been moved to Westmoreland High School.  The JV girls basketball game will begin at 4 PM followed by the JV boys game at 5 PM.  Our girls varsity game will begin at 6 PM.  In between the girls game and the boys game we will have our 8th grade recognition night.  The boys varsity game will be after the 8th grade recognition.

Let's Go Eagles!!!

Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


School Messenger 12/13/2024

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

There are 4 items to share with you:

#1—We plan to have fire drill on Monday.  It is just a drill.

#2—Girls Basketball Team:  Please remember that the November Calendar fundraiser money is due Monday.  Please get that to Mr. May.

#3—Please be sure to check the school website calendar and the school FaceBook Page daily.

#4—Please encourage your child to be at school everyday all day.

Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

School Messenger 12/12/2024 Basketball News

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

The purpose of this communication is to make a clarification regarding WMS Basketball.

Westmoreland Middle School has varsity teams and junior varsity teams for both girls and boys.

There are no 6th grade teams.  6th graders that are on the basketball team are members of either the varsity and/or junior varsity teams.

Also, there is no 5th and 6th grade basketball teams sponsored by WMS.

There may be some AAU teams or peewee basketball teams that these students play on.  However, our coaches do not have these type teams because they are not allowed and they can not be a part of these teams because they are middle school coaches.

To further clarify, the only games that will be played this weekend are the basketball games with Red Boiling Spring Junior High here at WMS.  The girls varsity team will tip off at 12 Noon with the boys game to follow.  At this point, I have not heard about any JV games prior to the varsity games.  Our coaches will share those plans with players and they will share that information with parents.

Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

School Messenger 12/11/2024

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,
The purpose of this communication is to share __________________
#1—Our basketball game tomorrow night is being played at Rucker Stewart Middle School.  They have student/parent engagement policy that we must follow since we are visiting them.  We need to do the following:
1. School aged students (17 and under) must be accompanied by a parent/guardian while in attendance at the game.
2. Students will not be allowed to bring backpacks in the school/gym for the game, and we will not watch or hold backpacks for students (participating athletes are the exception).
#2—Our Robotics Team is sponsoring a dance Friday beginning at 3:30 PM and ending at 5:30 PM.  The price of admission is $5 per student.  Eligibility requirements are posted on the school website in the calendar section under 12/13.
#3—Our band will have their winter concert Friday beginning at 6:30 PM.  Everyone is invited to attend.  There is no charge.
#4—The start time for our basketball game Saturday has been moved to 12 Noon.
Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

WMS Basketball Supporters: Game Time Change On Saturday, December 14th from 6:00 pm to 12:00 pm.
Go Eagles


Reminders for Attendance at RSMS Games:
1. School aged students (17 and under) must be accompanied by a parent/guardian while in attendance at the game.
2. Students will not be allowed to bring backpacks in the school/gym for the game, and we will not watch or hold backpacks for students (participating athletes are the exception).


School Messenger 12/8/2024

Hello WMS,

There are 3 items to share:

#1--The WMS Math Club will meet Monday morning at 7 AM.  It was originally planned for Friday, but has been moved to tomorrow.

#2--Our homecoming dress up days continue with Monday being "Candy Cane Day/Eagle Spirit Day--Wear Red and White".  Our homecoming pep rally will begin at approximately 1 PM.  Night time homecoming activities will be held after the Boys JV game and before the Girls Basketball Game at 6 PM.  5:30 is the approximate time to begin the homecoming, but it could vary some.

#3--Attendance--We have approximately 10 days of school left before our next break.  Please encourage and motivate your child to be at school everyday all day during this time.  Attendance is very important to their success.

Thank You!
'Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


School Messenger 12/2/2024

Hello WMS,
There are three items to share with you today:
#1—Toys for Tots Information—You may find this information on our school website and school FaceBook Page.  I will also attach it to the email that will be sent out.
#2—Basketball Homecoming Spirit Week/Dress Up Day--You may find this information on our school website and school FaceBook Page.  I will also attach it to the email that will be sent out.
#3—Please make sure your child is at school every day all day as much as is possible.  Attendance is very important to your child's success.
Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


School Messenger 11/15/2024

Hello WMS,

This communication has 3 items:

#1—Progress Reports are available online in Skyward.  Please be sure to check the one for your child.

#2—Toys For Tots registration dates/times are ...
            Monday 12/09, 9 AM—3 PM
            Tuesday 12/10, 9 AM—3 PM
            Wednesday 12/11, 9 AM—3 PM

Registration is only at ... Gallatin Shalom Zone, 600 Small Street, Gallatin.  More information will be shared in the email as an attachment and will be posted on our school website and school FaceBook Page.

#3—The WMS Student Council is sponsoring a food drive.  Information about this will be shared in the email as an attachment and will be posted on our school website and school FaceBook Page.

Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


School Messenger 10/30/2024

Hello WMS,

There are 4 items to share with you:
#1—Fall Fundraiser money is due tomorrow.  Prizes that can be earned have been shared and may be found on our school website and school FaceBook Page.  Please do what you can to support WMS through this fundraiser.
#2—Our "Super" Renaissance Rally is scheduled for tomorrow.  This rally will recognize students achieving their academic, discipline, and attendance goals from the 4th quarter of the 23-24 school year for 7th and 8th grade and it will recognize 6th grade students for their performance in these areas from the first 4 ½ weeks.
#3—Tomorrow is Halloween.  Students may dress up for Halloween.  The dress up requirements are posted on our school website and school FaceBook Page.
#4—Red Ribbon Week continues tomorrow.  Our theme this year is "Life Is A Movie, Film Drug Free".  Students have dressing up all week for Red Ribbon Week and they have also taken some time to decorate doors to spread the message about Red Ribbon Week.  The dress up day tomorrow is also connected with Red Ribbon Week—it is the Halloween theme to "scare away drugs".
Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


School Messenger 10/18/2024

Hello WMS

There are 5 items to share with you:

#1—The concession stand ran out of candy and sodas to sell before 8th grade was called today.  Therefore, we will do a special day next week for just 8th grade so they can have an opportunity to purchase candy and sodas.  We are very sorry this happened.

#2—Report cards are available online in Skyward.  Please check the one for your child.

#3—WMS will practice a lockdown drill on Monday.  This is just a drill.

#4—The Fall Fundraiser is still underway.  The fundraiser is the October 2024 calendar where you get donations for dates on the calendar.  For information about rewards, please check our school website and school FaceBook Page.

#5—Please check our school website and school FaceBook Page regularly.

Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal 


School Messenger 10/17/2024

Hello WMS,
The WMS Concession Stand will be open during 8th period to give students an opportunity to purchase sodas and candy as a reward for the great school-wide attendance in September.  WMS had an attendance rate of 97.8%.  AWESOME!!!  Our students did a GREAT JOB!!!  The concession stand is a Jr. Beta Club fundraiser.
Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal
School Messenger 10/16/2024
Hello WMS,
This message has 3 items:
#1—Thursday is Pix Day for makeups and retakes!
#2—The Fall Fundraiser is underway.  It involves students receiving donations for as many days as possible on the October calendar.  Rewards have been shared on our school website and school FaceBook Page.
#3—Attendance Update:  WMS students had a 97.8% attendance rate for the September Attendance Awareness Month.
Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal
School Messenger 10/14/2024
Hello WMS,
Information about the Cumberland Crisis Pregnancy Center presentation for 7th and 8th grade students was distributed today.  Information will be given to 6th grade students on Tuesday.  The Cumberland Crissi Pregnancy Center will present to 7th grade science students on Wednesday, 6th grade science students on Thursday, and 8th grade science students on Friday.  If your child or you want your child to opt out of this program, please let Mr. Walker know.
Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


School Messenger 10/01/2024

Hello WMS,

This message has 3 items to share:

#1—Please drive slowly and cautiously in our parking lot.  Safety is a top priority so please do what you can to keep WMS safe.

#2—Our school-wide Fall fundraiser begins today.  Our fundraiser is completing the October 2024 calendar with donations for as many days on the calendar as is possible.  Prizes and other information may be found on our school website and school FaceBook Page.

#3—The 1st Quarter ends Friday.  Please emphasize to your child to have all work completed by the end of the day Friday.  Report cards will be available online in Skyward after Fall Break.

Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


School Messenger 9/30/2024

Hello WMS,

Reminder:  Students who are absent from school may not participate in any school activities after school on the day of the absence.

Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


School Messenger 9/27/2024

Hello WMS,
You may have received an email from SchoolCash Online yesterday notifying you that you have been granted access to the SchoolCash Online system. This message was sent as part of a routine update to our online fee payment system. 
SchoolCash Online is used by Sumner County Schools to provide parents with an online payment option for school fees such as class fees, club memberships and school t-shirt fees. 
Please use the directions in the email if you would like to register to use SchoolCash Online. Otherwise, you may disregard the email.
Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


School Messenger 9/26/2024

Hello WMS,

Friday is a dress up day.  Students who had perfect attendance for the past Thursday, Friday, Tuesday, and Wednesday may wear a cap/hat and/or their pajamas.  Also, all students are encouraged to "dress like their favorite teacher" for the day.  There will be a prize for the best one!!!

Also, we are still in competition with all the middle schools in Sumner County to see who can have the best attendance for September.  Please encourage your child to do their part by being at school everyday all day.

Thank You!!!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

Hello WMS,

All after school activities are cancelled for this afternoon due to the weather.

Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

School Messenger 9/20/2024

Hello WMS,
The purpose of this communication is to remind everyone that Parent Teacher Conference Day is Monday.  The Parent Teacher Conferences will begin at 1 PM and will end at 7 PM with the last appointment beginning no later than 6:45 PM.  Please come with your child to the Parent Teacher Conference.  Due to a technical problem, appointment sheets were not available.  However, please come and the teachers will work you in for an appointment.
Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal
School Messenger 9/17/2024
Hello All,

This message has 3 items:

#1--This Friday night we will have our first school dance this year.  The dance is sponsored by our Jr. Beta Club.  The dance will begin at 5 PM and end at 7 PM.  The price of admission is $5 per student and only WMS students may attend.  The requirements to be eligible to attend include ...
--Students may not have any unexcused absences.
--Students may not have been assigned ISI or greater.
--Students must having passing grades in all classes.

As we go throughout the school year, attendance at and participation in extra and extracurricular activities will be determined by these requirements.

#2—Students who have had perfect attendance from Thursday 09/12 through Wednesday 09/18 (5 days) will earn a special dress up day this Friday.  Students who have met this requirement may wear a cap or hat and/or their pajamas.  In order to encourage the best attendance possible, we will do this incentive again for Thursday 09/19 through Wednesday 09/25/24 for students to be eligible for another reward next Friday.

#3—Students who have perfect attendance for the 1st Quarter will be eligible to attend a perfect attendance party sponsored by the Attendance Department after Fall Break​.  The party will involve free popcorn, cotton candy, and sno-cones.  This is an incentive we will try to continue all throughout the school year after each quarter.​

Thank You!!!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

School Messenger 9/15/2024

Hello WMS,

Homecoming activities continue Monday with the dress up being either Patriotic Day and/or Hawaiian Day. Caps and hats are permitted.


09/15/24 Thank You! Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

Dear Sumner County Schools Parents,
We wanted to make everyone aware of a social media hoax that is circulating in our Tennessee communities.
The Tennessee Office of Homeland Security has sent information out to law enforcement and school districts about a Tik Tok post that has been making the rounds on social media.
The post alleges to show a “hit list” of schools circulating on-line which contain names of schools from various States to include Tennessee. Based on information provided by the Tennessee Fusion Center, we have no information to indicate a threat toward any Sumner County or Tennessee school that may appear on this list. Currently no Sumner County Schools have been identified on this list. Several variations of the list have been circulating on social media.
Our school administrators and the Sumner County Sheriff’s Office will continue to prioritize student safety by taking all threats seriously until investigation has proven them false.
Sumner County Schools Office of Student Support and School Safety 
School Messenger 9/11/2024
Hello WMS,
Due to the weather that is predicted to move into our area, our homecoming activities are being moved to Tuesday 09/17/24.  Attempts were made to move the football game to an earlier time, but Livingston could not do so.  Unfortunately, we will not be able to reschedule the game because there are no other dates that will work.  The dress up day planned for Thursday will be moved to Tuesday.  Also, we will have our homecoming pep rally on Tuesday.  Night time homecoming activities will begin at 6 PM.  Also, our 8th Grade Recognition was already planned for Tuesday so we will go ahead as planned with our recognition at half time.
The Livingston game will not be rescheduled because there are no open dates that will work.
Thursday homecoming activities are moved to Tuesday.
Pep rally will be Tuesday beginning at approximately 1 PM.
Night time homecoming activities will begin at 6 PM on Tuesday night.
The football game Tuesday night will still be with Watertown.
8th Grade Recognition will be held at half time.
Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal
School Messenger 9/7/2024
Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,
WMS will have football homecoming next week.  The week will involve homecoming activities and a pep rally on Thursday.  Next week is also dress up week.  Monday begins our dress up week with "Manic Monday ... I thought it was Sunday."  Everyone is encouraged to wear their pajamas and slippers.  Everyday has a dress up theme.  Please check our school website and/or school FaceBook Page for more information.
Thank You!!!
Danny Robinson, Principal

School Messenger 9/6/2024

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

I just wanted to remind you that progress reports are available online in Skyward.

Thank You!!!
Danny Robinson, Principal

School Messenger 9/5/2024

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,
 Here's 3 items you need to know:
 #1Picture Day is Friday 09/06.
 #2Students & Staffulty with perfect attendance for the 1st Quarter will participate in an Attendance Party sponsored by the Attendance Department sometime after Fall Break.  The party will involve popcorn, cotton candy, and sno-cones all provided by the Attendance Department.
#3September is Attendance Awareness Month.  In order to encourage attendance, all schools in Sumner County are competing to see which school can have the best attendance for September.  The goal for WMS is to win the Attendance Trophy for Middle Schools.  Everybody can help in this effort by being at school as much as is possible every day all day.  LET'S GO EAGLES!!!
Thank You!!!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal​

School Messenger 9/3/3024

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

This communication has two items to share with you.

#1—We will have a fire drill on Wednesday 09/04/24.

#2—Progress Reports will be available online in Skyward by 3 PM on Friday.  Please encourage your child to do their best!​

Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

Here's some more info YOU need to know:

There are 3 items.

#1—TCAP individual test results for each student went home today.

#2—YearBook ordering information went home with each student today.

#3—School picture ordering information and dates went home with students today.  School Picture Day is 09/06/24 and Retake Day is 10/17/24.​

Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

Here's some info YOU need to know.  There are three items.

#1—New Flex Class assignments begin on Monday.  ​Placement in these classes was determined by available data results such as state assessment and based on student need.  This assignment is to help each student to become the best YOU YOU can be.

#2—If you pickup in the afternoon, please follow the afternoon dismissal plan regarding traffic flow.  A map regarding the plan was emailed earlier this week.  This information has also been placed on our school website and our school FaceBook Page.​

#3—Please continue to encourage perfect attendance.  Just a reminder ... the Attendance Department is sponsoring a "perfect attendance" party for all students and staffulty who have perfect attendance for the 1st quarter.  (Perfect attendance means the student or staffulty member has been at school all day every day.)  ​

Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

 School Messenger 8/9/2024

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,
The purpose of this communication is to make you aware that the Attendance Department at Central Office will have a party with popcorn, cotton candy, and sno-cones for all students who have perfect attendance for the 1st quarter.  
Regarding attendance, please remind your child that every day is important and that they need to be in school every day all day every day.  This way they have the opportunity to receive the best education possible.
Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

 School Messenger 8/2/2024

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,
Previously, you received two messages regarding the nurse's form that needs to be completed.  Hopefully, this message will provide better clarity about the situation.  Here goes ... a new form was recently added to Skyward for all Sumner County students. It is called, “24-25 Non-Emergent Care Permission”.  This form is required to indicate whether or not school nurses and staff can provide non-emergent care to your student.  Please log into skyward to ensure you have completed the form. 
Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal
"7th Grade Parents:  
Please be sure that your child's completed proof of immunization is completed and submitted to WMS or that proof of an appointment to get this done is submitted prior to 08/07/24.  Please contact Mr. Walker at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for questions.
Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal"

School Messenger 7/16/2024

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

Registration information that YOU need to know may be found on our school website and our school FaceBook Page.

Please review this information.

Please complete all you can prior to registration.

7th & 8th Grade Registration Night is Monday 07/29 beginning at 4 PM and ending at 7 PM.

6th Grade Registration Night is Tuesday 07/30 beginning at 4 PM and ending at 7 PM.

Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal



School Messenger 5/23/2024
Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,
Report cards will be available online in Skyward Friday at 8 AM.  
Thank You!!!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

 School Messenger 5/13/2024

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

I wanted to let you know that hard copies of these items are coming home this afternoon.  There are 3 items:

#1--6th graders will receive information regarding 7th Grade Shot Requirements that will need to be completed by the first day of school next school year. Almost all 6th graders owe the shot requirements unless you have already been contacted by the school counselor or you have recently turned in an updated shot record.

#2--8th graders will receive a note regarding the 8th Grade Suicide Prevention Program that will be held on Tuesday, May 14th.

#3--6th, 7th, and 8th grade students will receive information regarding the Start Strong Program to help needy families with clothes and shoes next school year.
Thank You!!!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

School Messenger 04/28/2024

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

I just wanted to remind everyone that the Spring Fundraiser Reward Day is Monday.  Students who have turned in their April calendar sheet with at least $25 raised will be allowed to participate.  Students may turn in their April calendar sheet with $25 raised on Monday morning.  After all lunches are served, the concession stand will be open for students to purchase snacks and drinks.

In closing, THANK YOU all for making this fundraiser a huge success.

Thank You!!!

Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

School Messenger 04/26/2024

Hello 6th Grade Parents,
All of our 6th grade students except for 7 students received a note in their 7th period class today (Friday, April 26th).  It has their name written on it.  They have been encouraged to bring it home to you.  This means that (at this time and according to our school records) they have NOT completed the 7th grade Shot Requirements.  If we do not receive the updated and completed shot form from now until July 29th (the 7th Grade Registration Night),  then we will give you a final notice at that point making you aware that your child cannot attend school on Wednesday, August 7th.  Please take care of this necessary requirement for your child as soon as possible.  If you are one of the seven students who have completed the process, then the school will make the parents aware they have completed the shot requirements by an email or phone call. 

Thank You,
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

School Messenger 04/23/2024

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

The purpose of this school messenger is to make you aware that students will be bringing home information today about CTE Special Interest Camps.  Please be sure that you receive this information from your child today.  The deadline to enroll is 04/26/24 and the camps are free.

Thank You!!!

Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


School Messenger 04/21/2024

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

This communication has two items:
#1--Monday is another Spring Fundraiser turn in day.  Students may turn in their April calendar sheet with the donations they have received.  $25 collected will earn the reward day on Monday 04/29/24.  Another turn in day will be this Friday.
#2--State Assessment will be Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week.  Please remind your child to do their best, to be at school everyday all day, and to have their iPad charged and ready.
Thank You!!!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

School Messenger 04/18/2024

Dear WMS Parents & Staffulty,
Here's some info YOU need to know:
#1At approximately 8 AM, we will have a fire drill Friday morning.
#2At approximately 8:10 AM, we will have a "BIG SEND OFF" for our special Olympic team.​​
#3Friday is a turn in day for the Spring Fundraiser.  Students who turn in the calendar sheet with $25 will earn the reward day.
#4Progress Reports will be available online in Skyward Friday at 3 PM.
Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

School Messenger 04/15/2024

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

State Assessment begins tomorrow.  Encourage your child to do their best, to be here everyday for testing, and to be sure to have their iPad charged and ready.

Thank You!!!

Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,
Our state assessment begins this week with testing on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and continues into next week with testing on the same days.  As always, please encourage your child to do their best.  Also, please remind them it is very important to have their iPad fully charged and to be at school everyday.
Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

School Messenger 3/28/2024

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

WMS began the Spring Fundraiser today.  This time we are doing a calendar fundraiser where students get people to purchase dates on the April calendar.  Students earn prizes based on the number of days they can sell and the money raised will be used to purchase things that students and teachers need.  The turn in date will be 04/30.  GO EAGLES!!

Thank You!!!

Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


School Messenger 03/27/24
Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,
This communication has three items of information to share with you:
#1—A fire drill is planned for Thursday 03/28.
#2—Report Cards will be available online in Skyward Thursday 03/28 beginning at 3 PM.
#3--School will be closed Friday 03/29 in observance of Good Friday.
Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

School Messenger sent beginning 03/24/24 at 5 PM:

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

Monday 03/25/24 we begin the 4th quarter for this school year.  The 4th quarter is always very important because there is so much that will happen.

One very important thing that will happen is state assessment.  Our testing window will begin the week of 04/15 and go through Friday 04/26 with makeups to follow.  Specific testing dates will be shared soon.

As students and staffulty continue intense preparation for state assessment, I ask that you please be sure that your child is at school everyday all.  Attendance is very important.  Also, I ask that you strongly encourage your child to do their best on everything ... both preparing for the state assessment and taking the state assessment.

Since state assessment will be online this year, it is expected that results will be back in time to count as part of your child's overall grade.  Therefore, we want everyone to have the best score possible.

In closing, THANK YOU for all that you do to support Westmoreland Middle School.

Thank You!!!

Danny Kay Robinson, Principal



School Messenger 03/04/24
Hello Parents & Staffulty,
This communication has 4 items to share:
#1—All students received a copy to take home today regarding the Westmoreland Student & Family Resource Night at Westmoreland High School at 5:30 PM on Tuesday 03/12/14.
#2—8th Grade students received a copy to take home today regarding the E. B. Wilson Virtual High School information meeting at Central Office at 6 PM 03/14/24.
#3—There will be no school on Tuesday 03/05/24 due to the election.
#4—8th Grade Parents:  Rising 9th Grade Parent Night will be at Westmoreland High School at 5:30 until 6:30 PM on Wednesday 03/06/24.  All rising 9th grade parents are strongly encouraged to attend.
Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

School Messenger 2/16/2024

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

Progress Reports will be available online in Skyward by 3 PM today.

Thank You!

Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


School Messenger 2/15/2024

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

I wanted to make everyone aware that a fire drill and a severe weather drill are planned for Friday 02/16/24.

Thank You!

Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

School Messenger 2/14/2024

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty:

Here's 3 items you need to know:

#1--6th, 7th, and 8th graders will receive an introduction letter regarding our new STARS counselor.

#2--8th graders are also receiving their Career Fair information and permission note. Those must be signed and sent back in order for the students to participate.

#3--7th graders are receiving information about a program in their Science class.

Thank You!Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

ValentinesDay Information (for 02/14/24) …

Valentines Day Information WMS will have Valentines Day on Wednesday 02/14/24. Singing “Valentunes” will be delivered on this day through the WMS Choir. Students and parents may purchase Singing “Valentunes” each day for $3 per selection. Each Singing “Valentune” comes with a delicious sucker. (Suckers may also be purchased individually for $1 each.) On our Valentines Day parents may send Valentine Day gifts to school. Gifts may include flowers, balloons, stuffed animals, candy, etc. Deliveries will be accepted after our last lunch shift beginning at 12:30 PM. Parents: Since there are restrictions as to what can be transported on buses, please be sure that what you have delivered can either be transported home on the bus or that you are going to pick up your child. As we approach celebrating Valentine's Day this week, we've had a few folks ask for a reminder on items permitted on school buses. As a general rule:

  • No Glass
  • No Balloons
  • No Eating on the School Bus (choking hazard)
  • Items brought on board must fit in students lap/not take the seat space of another student passenger;
  • Friendly reminder that the Bus Driver cannot hold large items in the driver seat area.
  • Probably means the Costco-Sized plush teddy bears are out of the question.

With all the "no's", there IS plenty of room for big smiles, positive attitudes, listening ears, friendly waves - and good memories to be made on the safe School Bus!


School Messanger 1/30/2024


Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

Mrs. Williams has requested that more information about the Switzerland & Italy trip be shared.  Attached is an email with this information.

Please remember that this is NOT a school sponsored trip.


Thank You!

Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


School Messanger 1/25/2024 


Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

Yearbook information has been sent home today.  This information will also be on our school website and school FaceBook Page.

Thank You!Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


School Messanger- 1/12/2024

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,
Report Cards are available online now.
Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


School Messenger—12/6/2023 #2 

Dear WMS Parents & Staffulty,

As you know, attendance is VERY IMPORTANT in anything you do. 

As a reminder of our attendance policy, I have attached two pages from our student handbook to this email.

The two pages have five areas where a "------>" has been drawn to call attention to the section.

While these areas primarily focus on unexcused absences, all absences have a negative effect on student performance.

Please review your child's attendance in Skyward.  If your child has any unexcused absences, then let's work together to get that resolved.

In addition, I have attached some "Attendance Pointers for Parents" that might help you with your child.

In closing, I want to continue to encourage you to encourage your child to be at school everyday all day.  Attendance is VERY IMPORTANT!

Thank You!

Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

 Attendance Information--12 06 23.pdf 

23 24 Attendance Pointers for Parents--12 06 23.pdf 

 School Messenger—12/6/2023 #1

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

Just a reminder that morning tutoring is open every morning beginning at 6:45 AM until 7:30 AM.  Morning tutoring is available Mondays through Thursdays.  The following teachers provide the tutoring opportunity:

Mrs. Lake, Mrs. Meador, Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Werbowsky, Mrs. Summers.

There is "no charge" to attend and students may still get breakfast.

Morning tutoring is a GREAT place to receive extra help or a GREAT opportunity to have a quiet place to work.

Please remind your child that morning tutoring is available.

Thank You!

Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


School Messenger—11/10/23 

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,
(School Messenger11/07/23)
Here's 5 items YOU need to know:
#1—Our Fall Fundraiser has been extended again until Tuesday 11/15/23.  All money MUST be turned in by this date.
#2—Wednesday ... WMS will have our annual Veterans' Day Program.  The program will begin at approximately 7:50 AM.  Everyone is encouraged to wear red, white, and blue.
#3—Thursday ... WMS will have our annual Thanksgiving Day Lunch.  All parents and grandparents and family members are invited to attend.  Information about the menu and prices will be posted on our school website and school FaceBook Page.  Just a reminder ... WMS is only able to accept cash or checks for the meal.  During lunch the Library Book Fair will be available for students and parents to shop.
#4—Friday ... WMS will participate in the annual Veterans' Day Parade that will begin at approximately 11 AM.  Students will line the sidewalks at WMS to participate in the parade.  Everyone is encouraged to wear red, white, and blue.
#5—The Student Council is sponsoring a canned food drive to help those in need again this year.  More information along with requested donation items may be found on our school website and school FaceBook Page.
Also, one more item.  The WMS Library Book Fair is underway.  Family Night is Friday night beginning at 3 POM and ending at 6 PM.  All students, parents, and staffulty are invited to attend.
Thank You!!!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal
Dear WMS Parents & Staffulty,
(School Messenger—10/20/23)
This communication has 3 items you need to know:
#1—The Mastery Connect Benchmark will begin next week and will be taken by all students over the next two weeks in all core content subject areas.  Students need to give their best effort on this benchmark because the results will be used by teachers to find out what students know and need to know.
#2—Our Fall Fundraiser begins Monday and will be underway for the next two weeks.  Our product again this time is the $1 candy bars.  Students will bring home a permission form today that allows them to bring a box of chocolate candy bars home for you to sell.  The money raised will provide funds for educational needs that our students and teachers have.  WMS is now blessed to be a 1-to-1 school with technology with our iPads.  However, there are so many other resources that are needed.  Please help WMS by supporting the Fall Fundraiser. 
#3—The 23-24 Yearbook is now on sale.  They are $50 each.  Students have an opportunity to order one now through 11/03/23.  Students may pick up an order form in the Office or from their teacher.  Please make sure your child does not miss out on an opportunity to get a yearbook.
Thank You!!!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal

School Messenger 10/13/2023


"Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,
The purpose of this communication is to make you aware that report cards are available online in Skyward.  (If you need a hard copy, please email Mr. Walker at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..)  Also, students were given information about the 2024 yearbook and TeenCare today to bring home to you.
Thank You!!!
Danny Kay Robinson

School Messenger 9/13/2023

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

This communication has 3 items that you need to know:

#1—If all goes well, a fire drill and a severe weather drill are scheduled for Thursday.

#2--School pictures are being done differently than in the past.  You will NO longer receive your child’s proof, instead you should have already received information on how to order them this week, and then send in your final order to the school.  

Everything will ALL be done online, and the pictures will be mailed to you.  Please review the hard copy of this information that has already been sent home.   

Event Code FE173623

#3—Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday 09/18/23 beginning at 1 PM and ending at 7 PM with the last appointment to begin at 6:30 PM.  Please make plans for you and your child to be at the Parent Teacher Conferences.  We are looking forward to seeing everyone!!!

Thank You!Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


School Messenger-9/8/2023 

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

This communication has 5 items to share:

#1—Progress Reports will be available in Skyward beginning at 3 PM today.

#2—Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday 09/18 beginning at 1 PM with the last appointment to begin at 6:30 PM. Please be sure that you and your child attend the Parent Teacher Conferences. School will be closed on Monday 09/18.

#3—iPad Deployment will begin Tuesday 09/19/23.

#4—September is "Attendance Awareness Month". Students are encouraged to be at school every day all day for the entire month.

#5—THANK YOU for a GREAT school year thus far!!!

Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


School Messenger—08/31/2023

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

September is Attendance Awareness Month. As a part of Attendance Awareness Month, I am challenging everyone ... all students and staffulty ... to be at school every day all day for the whole month of September.

Thank You!

Danny Kay Robinson, Principal



School Messenger—08/30/23

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

Here's 3 items you need to know:

#1—A letter was sent home today with students regarding the new school based therapist in Westmoreland schools. Please be sure you received your copy.

#2--Please do not bring dogs or other animals to WMS events such as football games. Service animals are an exception. However, all service animals must be trained to provide a SPECIFIC task directly correlated to the owner's SPECIFIC disability. Emotional support animals do not qualify.

#3—Please check our school website and ... if possible ... our school FaceBook Page daily to keep up with all that is happening at WMS.

Thank You!
Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


School Messenger 8/20/23

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

The purpose of this communication is to remind everyone that Picture Day is Monday and that we have a fire drill and a severe weather drill on Monday.

Thank You!!!Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


School Messenger 8/18/2023

Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

The purpose of this communication is to make you aware of our safety drill plans for next week.

  • Monday 08/21/23 at approximately 8 AM—Fire Drill #2
  • Monday 08/21/23 after the fire drill—Severe Weather Drill #1
  • Thursday 08/24/23 at approximately 9:30 AM—LockDown Drill #1

Thank You!!!Danny Kay Robinson, Principal


Hello WMS Parents & Staffulty,

Here are two things you need to know:

#1—TCAP results for 2023 will be distributed today during 7th period for students to bring home.

#2—A fire drill is planned for Thursday.

Thank You!!!
Danny Kay Robinson, Princi

Mission Statement

Doing what is best for kids by … growing learners who are college and career ready through quality instruction, effective use of resources, building a collaborative culture, and strong leadership.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to establish a culture that encourages our students to be actively involved in their learning and in the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts/Agriculture, and Math) fields so they will be college and career ready.


    • We believe in a safe and supportive environment that holds high expectations for students and staffulty.
    • We believe in students, parents, staffulty, and community members working collaboratively and respectfully as partners in the education of all learners to develop prepared graduates.
    • We believe in an inclusive culture that embraces diversity, gives equal access to each child, promotes responsibility and supports positive self-esteem.
    • We believe that by engaging minds and developing character, we will prepare students to become competent, employable citizens.
    • We believe in the use of data to continually assess our decision making to ensure each student has the opportunity to achieve at proficient ("on track") and advanced ("mastered") levels on the state assessment.
    • We believe all students are responsible for their learning through goal setting, data tracking, and ongoing inquiry.
    • We believe in implementing policies and procedures that focus on achieving the educational goals of our school system.