Westmoreland Middle School

Westmoreland Middle School

School-Wide Grading Policy


Purpose:  To provide information to all stakeholders regarding the school-wide grading policy.


The following policies and practices will reinforce this purpose:


 1.  Grading System:  The basic grading system for all subject areas in grades 6-8 at Westmoreland Middle School shall be expressed by numerical grades on progress reports and report cards.


A ………….90-100

B ………….80-89

C ………….70-79

D ………….60-69

F …………..Below 60

I ………….. Incomplete


2.  Graded Items Policy:  Summative grades for each nine week grading period will be compiled of multiple categories that may include work from, but are not limited to, class work, homework, written assignments, teacher selected projects, tests, etc.  All grades should reflect the mastery of state standards. 


3.  Weight Policy:  The teacher will weigh the value of grades for various assignments.  However, no one assignment shall count for more than 50% of the final grade.


4.  Make-Up Policy: Students will be given the opportunity to makeup work for all absences (excused, verified, unexcused, etc.). All work will receive a grade. Upon the first day of returning to school, it is the student’s responsibility to make contact with the teacher(s) regarding make-up work.  Make-up work must be completed within a number of days equal to the number of consecutive days of the absence.  Under extenuating circumstances, the due date for this work may be adjusted at the discretion of the teacher or the principal.  


 5.  Grading Authority: The grading of student work is determined by the teacher who assigns such work. The grade shall not be placed on the work until the teacher is sure of that measurement and shall not be changed unless a student can prove an error or provide information that would give the teacher a reason to consider changing the grade. 


6.  Cheating:  If a teacher suspects a student of cheating to earn a grade, then that teacher shall consider an alternative test or measure. Unless a teacher has absolute proof of cheating, the student shall be given the benefit of an alternative measurement or test. When a teacher has proof of cheating by a student, the student will receive a “0” for the work and a parent will be notified by the teacher. Further disciplinary action may be required by the administration. 


7.  Reporting Grades:  Grades shall be entered weekly in Skyward so all stakeholders may have access to the student’s performance in real time.

Mission Statement

Doing what is best for kids by … growing learners who are college and career ready through quality instruction, effective use of resources, building a collaborative culture, and strong leadership.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to establish a culture that encourages our students to be actively involved in their learning and in the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts/Agriculture, and Math) fields so they will be college and career ready.


    • We believe in a safe and supportive environment that holds high expectations for students and staffulty.
    • We believe in students, parents, staffulty, and community members working collaboratively and respectfully as partners in the education of all learners to develop prepared graduates.
    • We believe in an inclusive culture that embraces diversity, gives equal access to each child, promotes responsibility and supports positive self-esteem.
    • We believe that by engaging minds and developing character, we will prepare students to become competent, employable citizens.
    • We believe in the use of data to continually assess our decision making to ensure each student has the opportunity to achieve at proficient ("on track") and advanced ("mastered") levels on the state assessment.
    • We believe all students are responsible for their learning through goal setting, data tracking, and ongoing inquiry.
    • We believe in implementing policies and procedures that focus on achieving the educational goals of our school system.