Westmoreland Middle School
  • Be At School Every Day All Day!!!
    Be At School Every Day All Day!!!
    Attendance Matters
  • 24-25 Westmoreland Middle School Lunch Information
    24-25 Westmoreland Middle School Lunch Information
    24-25 School Lunch Menus
  • Yearbooks Still on Sale Online
    Yearbooks Still on Sale Online
  • WMS Afternoon Dismissal Map--08/20/24
    WMS Afternoon Dismissal Map--08/20/24
    Please Follow The Plan Outlined In The Map For Afternoon Dismissal!!!
  • Progress Reports Now Available on Skyward
    Progress Reports Now Available on Skyward
    1st Progress Report Information Hello! We wanted to remind you that Sumner County Schools are NOT sending home hard copies of Progress Reports and Report Cards this school year unless you request one. You can request one by e-mailing me back, calling the school, or having your child request one from the Front Office.
  • Fall Picture Day Images are Available Now Event Code: FE183824 https://shop.jostenspix.com/login
    Fall Picture Day Images are Available Now Event Code: FE183824 https://shop.jostenspix.com/login
  • Gold Star Award
    Gold Star Award
  • Patriot's Pen Contest Winners Hayden Brewer 7th grade placed 1st in the local contest and finished 4th in the district. Joey Robinson placed 2nd in the local and finished 5th in the district. Sgt. Mechkowski with VFW Post #9806 presented their awards.
    Patriot's Pen Contest Winners Hayden Brewer 7th grade placed 1st in the local contest and finished 4th in the district. Joey Robinson placed 2nd in the local and finished 5th in the district. Sgt. Mechkowski with VFW Post #9806 presented their awards.
    Westmoreland Middle School students have participated in the VFW sponsored Patriot's Pen Writing Essay Contest.  This year the topic to write about was "My Voice In America's Democracy".  Hayden Brewer, 7th grade student at WMS, placed 1st in the local contest sponsored by VFW Post #9806 and finished 4th in the district.  Joey Robinson, 7th grade student at WMS, placed 2nd in the local contest sponsored by VFW Post #9806 and finished 5th in the district.  Sgt. Mechkowski with VFW Post #9806 presented these two young men with their awards.  We are proud of these two young men and want to encourage them to continue their writing and participating in the VFW sponsored Patriot's Pen Writing Essay Contest every year.    
  • Concession Stand Friday
    Concession Stand Friday

Mission Statement

Doing what is best for kids by … growing learners who are college and career ready through quality instruction, effective use of resources, building a collaborative culture, and strong leadership.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to establish a culture that encourages our students to be actively involved in their learning and in the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts/Agriculture, and Math) fields so they will be college and career ready.


    • We believe in a safe and supportive environment that holds high expectations for students and staffulty.
    • We believe in students, parents, staffulty, and community members working collaboratively and respectfully as partners in the education of all learners to develop prepared graduates.
    • We believe in an inclusive culture that embraces diversity, gives equal access to each child, promotes responsibility and supports positive self-esteem.
    • We believe that by engaging minds and developing character, we will prepare students to become competent, employable citizens.
    • We believe in the use of data to continually assess our decision making to ensure each student has the opportunity to achieve at proficient ("on track") and advanced ("mastered") levels on the state assessment.
    • We believe all students are responsible for their learning through goal setting, data tracking, and ongoing inquiry.
    • We believe in implementing policies and procedures that focus on achieving the educational goals of our school system.